Sunday, February 26, 2012
Cold Day In....Promontory

Friday, February 24, 2012
Character and Romney
I have read a lot the past couple of days about character; the character in candidates. Particularly that Mitt Romney is lacking in character. Full disclosure—I have never met Romney. I am a Mormon. Hopefully, what I say may help others who are not Mormon understand a little of the character that I believe Gov. Romney has. (I admit also that I am still evaluating the candidates and am not settled on Gov. Romney as the one I think should be the nominee)
Mitt Romney served as a Stake President for a number of years. He was the one called to preside over a collection of congregations, usually 6 or more. He was involved in many different areas that demonstrate character above and beyond the norm. He dealt with members of his stake in confessions as part of the repentance process. He helped with circumstances dealing with welfare and the needy on a very personal level. He prayed and fasted many times for and with the members of his Stake. Believe me that he was involved in a deep and committed level with many people. As a Stake President he interviewed hundreds of members of his stake in many different connections ranging from extending callings to serving in positions and signing recommends allowing them entrance into the Church’s Temples.
Mr. Romney served as a missionary in France. He lived for some time in humble circumstances. During this time of service he knocked on doors, talked to people and bore his feelings and his soul as it pertained to Christ’s teachings. France, being a very secular and un-religious place then and now, must have been a veritable desert as far as teaching opportunities. It was undoubtedly a difficult mission and took patience, devotion and faith to fulfill it.
Gov. Romney has made covenants that guide his life. These are made at baptism and also in the Holy Temple. These covenants are binding commitments of obedience to God’s laws, Sacrificing, Living the Golden Rule, living a moral and pure life and consecrating all that God blesses you with to building up His Kingdom and being a blessing in the lives of His children. Overarching these is the covenant of Marriage he made with his wife.
There has been some comment made in a mocking manner by Chuckie Blow of the New York Times relating to an object of clothing that one wears after participating in Temple ceremonies. It is not “magic”. It is sacred. Its sole purpose is to act as a constant reminder of the covenants made.
Gov. Romney’s character can also be displayed by analyzing his family. He is devoted to his wife who has her own hardships to bear. Looking at a picture of his children, their spouses and their children, one wonders what kind of place it would be to live with families like that in your neighborhood. They love each other and are devoted. I have all kinds of families like that living around me. Yes they have challenges and problems but it is an amazing thing to be a part of. And no, it doesn't happen that way because of great wealth, just true commitment to their faith.
Character? Some many criticize him for not having character, but I assure you, he has character; a lot of character and capacity. He has plenty of character to serve as the President of the United States. Character? You have got to be kidding!