The pressure's on now. The Slaughter Solution, something that looks to anyone with a brain at all as an Unconstitutional approach to the question is sitting out there like the fat girl at the dance. Everybody knows it would be politically nice to ask her to dance, but they know the results could be bad. Here is a sign, extremely apropos and timely. Way to go San Diego. My personal opinion is the Healthcare bill does not address the basic issues of health care reform. It definitely does not address the major concerns of cost and health care delivery. We do not have enough doctors, nurses, auxiliary staff and the like, but we probably do have plenty of administrators. If this gets rammed through like a brutal form of artificial insemination we need to ramp up quickly the number of physicians being trained in medical schools and residencies. It just isn't going to work in the short term unless that question is addressed, and I mean now.
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