What you see in the following pictures is a vivid example of what happens when an elbow hits a mouth with significant force. You will notice the picture that shows the broken tooth from the front. Another shot shows the same tooth from behind. Notice the red gelatinous mass in the middle of it. That's the nerve. He said it didn't hurt much except when he had a drink of cold water. Well this was root canal city. Later a ceramic crown will be fabricated. The problem is matching the shade for a big central incisor like this one. His teeth will change shade over the years and it might end up being a little out of sync. The picture that shows the temporary repair of the tooth is interesting. They had the part that broke off. It was in a Kleenex overnight so it was pretty dry and desiccated which makes the tooth much lighter in color. I etched the enamel on the tooth in the mouth and the tooth fragment; used bonding solution and resin filling material and bonded the two together temporarily. The tough part is the smaller tooth behind this one. It has a horizontal root fracture from the traumatic blow and will need to be extracted, have an implant placed and a crown. This young man is only 17 years old. So this is about a $4-5 thousand dollar deal here. The take home message is WEAR A MOUTHGUARD! Mouthguards really help prevent concussions but they can protect the teeth and this may have been avoidable. $40 for a mouthguard--great prevention and protection.

way to go Dr. O! looks good