Yes, that is how old I am. But that doesn't have anything to do with the title of the post. If you are a baseball fan, then this book 56: Joe DiMaggio and the Last Magic Number In Sports is a great read, especially as Spring Training is underway and Opening Day is a week away or so. Not many of us ever saw DiMaggio play. Most of that generation is gone or going. I did see him in some Old Timer's games in the 60's and early 70's.
The book details the hitting streak. The author does a good job a describing many minute details, relationships and the stress on Joe and his teammates and manager. I recommend it. It does expose some of the human weaknesses of the Yankee Clipper but nothing you wouldn't expect especially compared to the man who replaced him in centerfield, Mickey Mantle.
I read 56 during the summer and it inspired me to win 3 pool tournaments in a row. Learning about Joe Dimaggio and THE STREAK, made for the most enjoyable read I've had in decades. Thinking about the Yankees, WWII, Dimaggio's family, his wife, New York, baseball during his era was great. How nice it was to separate myself from the problems of our times. I certainly will read it again