Saturday, June 30, 2012

Another Dred Scott?

When I first heard of the 5-4 decision on the Affordable Care Act my first thought was this could go down as one of the worst decisions ever to come out of the Supreme Court.  I thought is could be another Dred Scott decision.  I hope it is because Dred Scott was overturned.  I read this today and it took me back to my time living in Mexico.  There were two types of medical care.  The kind for regular folks like you and me which was full of pain, delay, shoddy care and corruption, and the kind for the folks with money who basically paid cash for their care.

I can see that happening here.  Physicians could decide to do a cash business, pay as you are treated.  Fees for services would probably drop precipitously and you could see a doctor within a day or two if you needed to.  There might even be private emergency rooms where you could go for treatment and receive instantaneous care.  I hope somebody looks at this again and comes to their senses.

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