Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Pill and Faith

I was fascinated to watch the birth control tango the past couple of weeks. Tying this to George "Stephy" Stephanopoulos and his question to Mitt Romney in a debate several weeks back is an interesting aside.

I hear everyone say that this is about womens' health. I am all for womens' health. When a woman feels good, the man feels good, the kids feel good, the world feels good. So it is with no small sense of confusion when I hear that the "right" to contraceptives, abortifacients and other birth control or birth cessation medicaments and treatments should be able to be purchased easily, through insurance, by anyone who desires them, with no copayment. Maybe they ought to just be OTC.

My entire life I thought pregnancy was a physiological condition caused by determined actions of at least two people of opposing genders. I never, ever considered it a pathology. Pregnancy isn't a disease. That is not to say gestational complications do not occur, in fact they do. I freely admit and understand from observation that the woman walks through the valley of the shadow of death. But by and large the course of a pregnancy is a physiological condition, that for the vast majority experiencing it is inconvenient, uncomfortable but leads to the birth of another human being. And except for rare occasions the condition is caused by voluntary, free will behavior.

So if this is REALLY a women's health issue I can only figure that it is caused by some recently discovered virus. I know UV exposure is not good for your skin, but maybe there is a virus that causes another UV condition--Uncontrollable Vagina. Evidently, it afflicts a great portion of the populace, and it must grasp unsuspecting penises, extracting biological procreative material, sending it willy nilly up the Fallopian tubes, colliding with an ovum, causing uterine implantation and, voila the start of another human being. If it wasn't so widespread then this drastic State intervention would not be necessary.

I imagine any human infected with this UV virus probably has no capacity to control themselves. It must cause some irresistible urge that affects the woman and pheromones then are produced which cause the same illicit behavior in the dude. The more one thinks of this there is no way around it. This type of human behavior is totally unavoidable, and to think that it ought to be restrained until marriage is unthinkable; how archaic! I guess if you have the UV virus there is nothing you can do. I suppose guys get a virus too, it must be the UP virus--Uncontrollable Penis.

I have never observed either condition in any of my patients (I fix teeth) and I usually see my clients when the sun is up. Maybe, the UV light from the sun affects the UV virus, and it can only replicate and infect or modify the human behavior at night. I doubt UV light affects the UP virus. Who knows?

From my way of thinking, if contraceptives are a womens' health issue, and should be acquired freely with no copayment, does that mean all medications used by women should have no copayment? I wonder. What if the UV condition leads to syphilis and antibiotics are needed? That certainly is a health issue and I cannot imagine not linking these two conditions, hence, no copayment should be required, but on my medical plan there is a copayment for all medications so contraceptives would be in a special class, hence a form of discrimination. Most probably the majority of people who are on medical plans with small businesses have the same requirements.

What about the adoption copayment? I know a lot of folks who want to adopt a child, but their copayment is in the tens of thousands of dollars. I mean, shucks, they are taking the little urchin off the hands of the pregnant woman who will not have the burden of raising the child. That alone is worth a 100 grand in savings to the woman in costs that are incumbent in raising a child that she will not have to pay. I think adoption should have no "copayment" either. It ought to be nearly free of charge. But, if the pregnancy is aborted that option is out obviously.

I always hear the Church and State argument as a reason for complete spiritual enucleation from all activities that have the slightest connection to the State. So, in my mind I wonder, how can the State dictate to the Church requirements that cause the Church to break their covenants and ties to their Doctrine, which they consider sacred? There is no separation there. This argument by the State that the insurance companies will pay for it is...Nonsense. The Church will directly be forced to pay it with higher insurance premiums. The Church doesn't force people to be employed in its schools, hospitals and charitable enterprises. They can go other places to work. In my mind though it isn't just the dictatorial attitude towards the Church. Why should governmenta be able to dictate this to insurance carriers? Because they can? It seems to me if it is desired, insurance companies will make them easy to get as a benefit and a reason to buy their product.

I wonder if the Administration has the foggiest idea what real life is like. The Leviathan is running amok. This dictate coming down is about control of institutions that the State does not like. It is not about women's health. This is not about disease, pathology or life. It is about controlling institutions and then controlling individuals.

So as the game starts drawing to a close, I kind of wish Dandy Don were here to sing for us again--"Turn out the lights, the party's over."

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