Saturday, June 15, 2013

Yapping Dogs

This morning is lovely on the benches of the everlasting hills.  There were a few weeds to attend to, peach trees to water, some vegetables to tend to.  Nothing that couldn't be done in an hour or so.  As I write this the Sun has still not crested the mountains above our home.  Sounds tranquil, doesn't it?

Yapping dogs.  There ought to be a law against them.  Those pesky yapping dogs that have no reason to bark and seem to be without a brain.  There ought to at least be a class kind of like driver's ed, it could be called dog ed, or something like that.  There would need to be a least a full week on what to do if you dog is incessantly barking at 6 AM at somebody 60 yards away working on their own property.

I cannot imagine that all the other surrounding neighbors fail to hear the little beasties.  And the owners must have earplugs in or something because it doesn't seem to cause any reaction.  The thought came to me that their should be some device, a whistle or something that one could blow that would cause sufficient discomfort to the dogs that it would cause them to stop; of course without doing any damage to them.

Is their something about the little yappy dogs that can cause one's skin to crawl.  A big woof from a labrador or something like that doesn't seem so bad but the higher, repetitive pitch of the little canines is like fingernails on a chalkboard.  I must be alone in this because I have little yappers all around me.

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