Sunday, November 28, 2010

Our Christmas Newsletter


For the Year 2010

Yessirree, this is our attempt to inform you of our family and our shenanigans for the year 2010. I guess the biggest day of the year was 1 April. That day our son Ben married a Cache Valley girl just like dear old dad did. Melissa Kitchen became Melissa Oman on that day and they have been bubbling ever since—8 months now. They seem to be made for each other so we have high hopes for the future. Both are up at the old AC in Logan continuing their education (at least that is what people call what happens at Universities but I have my doubts) and working a lot—I mean a lot of hours. We are proud of them.

The 2nd biggest day, at least up to the press time for this newsletter, was the day our daughter conceived another child. Becki is due within the next few weeks and it appears they did not put the stem on the apple. They already did that twice and it has worked out fine. We are thrilled to have a little granddaughter coming and we are praying the mother and the child will be healthy and well. Our grandsons do not have the foggiest idea, of course, how their lives are going to be changed. Ignorance is bliss; that is why Greg seems to be happy most of the time. They have a year or so I guess to adjust, but when all the little girl stuff starts filling up the house that could be the end of Power Rangers, Jedi knights and light sabers.

Becki is teaching her Zumba classes and stuff, even at the 8 month mark. It must be quite a sight. Kyle, that’s Becki’s husband, is about halfway done with his Family Practice Residency at the U of U in Salt Lake. He has been working different rotations and incredibly crazy hours at times. I wonder how they do it. Their home they purchased is cute and they are settled in nicely.

Summer was fun. We spent some time up at Bear Lake riding wave runners, beaching it with stuff to eat under the beach canopy. . The Pickleville Playhouse there was great and we were able to get my office staff up there for a couple of days.

Last January Joyce and Greg flew down to Arizona and spent some time with the Westergards, Richard, I call him Dick, and his wife Carrie. We played some golf and had a great time visiting with them. Other travels took us to Managua, Nicaragua on a dental trip. We made some new friends and connected up with some others we have made great friendships with through the years. I think that pretty much sums up our wanderings.

August brought the end of a chapter in our lives. Joyce’s mother passed away from the causes incident to her age. It had been almost four years since her husband had died. She was residing at the Legacy House in Logan. Her feet developed gangrene and it took her quickly. We hated to see her suffering body and mind. What a life she led and her influence was felt through many generations. She taught piano for decades and many of her students came to pay their respects. There is a generational hole now in our family, but the memories are comforting.

So, does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really know what is really going on? No, we don’t. But family, friends and memories help a lot during these most interesting, new and trying times. As we think back to the places we have lived and the places we have gone we feel so lucky. Chicago was a place where we depended on each other and on our friends. We had great associations there.

Sandy, just out of dental school, was a launching pad for us. There are so many memories from our time with many of you who are reading this.

Farmington is where we have been now for 15 years. We live on a unique street. We think we are a unique neighborhood, but really we are probably like thousands of places; probably like your neighborhood, where people care for each other in times of need and stress and in the good times too. We share friendly smiles, a hug, maybe a kiss and express our Thanks for our Blessings. No, we are not immune from trials and disappointments, from heartache and worry, but we know through the Providence around us that we can carry on.

So, Merry Christmas, Truly we mean it for you and yours. Thank you for your friendship and we truly hope and plead with Him that we all have a wonderful Happy New Year!


Joyce and Greg

Joyce is a great scrub nurse for the surgeons during our Nicaragua trip.

Wedding day. It snowed and was a winter wonderland.

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