Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Vote and the President

For some time the pollsters and the pundits predicted a pretty big change in Congress this midterm election. That happened. The question is why did it happen? The answer is probably 'many reasons, that's why it happened'. I would like to put in plug for a new book out that analyzes the President from his days at Occidental College to his efforts in the White House. It is entitled Radical-in-Chief by Stanley Kurtz. The way to read the book is to read initially Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama, then read the Kurtz book. I concur with the conclusions of the author.

The book is a disinterested analysis of the development of the student, the community organizer and the politician. It is expansive in explaining his associations with different people, groups and their activities. This is not a quick read. It pays to think through the gordian knot of the progressive world of Chicago as it is intermingled with politics, university life and business. It is absolutely a fascinating read and a tremendous work by Mr. Kurtz.

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