Sunday, March 21, 2010

Black Sunday

It could be that this date, 21 March 2010 will be looked back upon as one of the darkest days in our history, especially as it relates to personal liberty as Americans. The well meaning people who look at this as a health care issue are extremely naive. My personal feeling is there is seldom if ever anything good when the government bureaucracies become involved in people's lives. We all know there are some who need assistance, some for their entire life. That is not what we are talking about here. What we are talking about is letting the camel's nose into the tent and that means the entire camel will come in. The camel always leaves a mess, usually in a large, odiferous pile.

In ten year's time if this comes to fruition we will think that health care is cheap right now compared to what it is going to cost us then. My simple mind tells me that if this plan is so great then why with all the majority power that the current Administration holds in all branches of government did it take all the Chicago style back room hanky panky? Why was it so difficult to pass? Why was it so complicated? Why could they not address some of the issues that cause the most problems, ie, pre-existing conditions, portability of coverage, etc? Why was this so hard and why did it take so much effort if it is such a great idea? Why are so many against it?

There is a great divide, philosophically in our land and I for one am wondering if there are still any Americans out there, especially in Congress. I know that we have a President who is historical in so many ways, not just his "race", but in my mind he is the first President ever to occupy the White House who is not culturally an American. Does the Constitution begin to hang from an ever thinner thread? This from the Corner is apropos.

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