Friday, March 19, 2010

Does the President Have the Foggiest Idea What He Is Doing?

I am listening to President Obama on CNBC. I am waiting to get the oil changed on my car. He is quite a campaigner. He says that this weekend we are about to do something historic. Historic is right. Everyone is aware that there are problems with HealthCare. Is it the doctors? Is it the hospitals? Is it the Insurance Companies? Is it the Government? Well, there are many problems to deal with. The doctors who are for the bill seemed to be political policy makers more than they are healers. They don't seem to understand what is going to hit them. There are not enough doctors. The training of doctors and nurses needs to be increased significantly. This needs to be done now.

He is preaching right now like he is in an evangelical revival tent. As I watch this I wonder if there are any more Americans left. I am not sure anyone who looks at this bill can relate to any of the basic principles of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness--things that were so important to the Founding Fathers. I hope I am wrong but having seem so many incursions of the Federal Government into so many programs, and seeing these programs always going into bankruptcy. What he is selling is snake oil, no limits of care, no personal responsibility, all kinds of "security". Small businesses evidently will have the opportunity to have the same coverage as members of Congress have. Do you believe in miracles?

Everything he is saying is smoke and mirrors, tax credits, decrease in premiums, costs of hundreds of billions, etc. Who is going to pay for it? He hasn't really figured that out. He is talking about getting rid of waste, something that Government has never and will never figure out. I can do basic math pretty well, and this just doesn't add up. They are making sure it is paid for, but with what? It can only be a massive confiscation of personal assets and wealth over time from a minority of Americans and distributing it to the AmeriSocialists.

As he goes on with his cost cutting proposals he sounds even more and more hollow. For someone like me who has lived through the Great Society, the Stagflation, the beginning of MediCare and MedicAid, well I have heard all this kind of stuff all the time and it has never ever done what it is suppose to do.

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